Current News (in German)


On Friday, February 23 2024, Städtisches Museum Braunschweig (Municipal Museum): opening of »Galka Scheyer und die Blaue Vier«. You will find information (in German language) on this exhibition in our brochure (PDF).​


Galka Scheyers biography

Galka Scheyers biography, written by Gilbert Holzgang and made possible by our association, was presented November 30, 2023. Gilbert Holzgang, Hans Stallmach and Regine Nahrwold cooperated, the evening with 150 delighted persons was a great success. Photos: Gertrud Faerber.

Galka Scheyers biography

Galka Scheyers biography, written by Gilbert Holzgang, is currently in print. It will be published by Michael Imhof Verlag. Hardcover, large format, 290 images, approx. 350 pages. Register of 840 names, around 1600 sources listed. Written in everyday, easy-to-understand German language. Available end of november, price 49.95 €, ISBN 978-3-7319-1366-5

In the flyer (PDF-Download) you will find all information on the book.


Sunday, September 3 Städtisches Museum Braunschweig (Municipal Museum). Opening of »Stars without Glamour. Lette Valeska, Hollywood photogtapher from Braunschweig«. An exhibition on Galka Scheyer`s life-long friend Lette Valeska.


Bicycle Tour

Saturday, August 3, 2023. Bicycle tour to places of interest in Galka Scheyer`s life. Meet up 14 hrs at Okerstrasse 10 – the house in which Emmy spend the first three years of her life. Advance registration please via or fon 0531 70 74 54 21.


Membership Meeting 2023

Our general membership meeting was held on April 27 at Gliesmaroder Thurm restaurant. Joachim Kahnert was elected new member of the board. Kahnert replaces Dr. Arndt Gutzeit in the position of book-keeping/finances.



The Order of Merit of the state of Lower Saxony was awarded to Gilbert Holzgang, chair of the GESZ. Braunschweig´s Mayor delivered a speech of praise in the city´s celebration hall. The local paper Braunschweiger Zeitung reported in detail on May 4.



Dr. Arndt Gutzeit gave a lecture on »Galka Scheyer – From Brunswick into the World«. It took place March 21st 2023 at the center of the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation in the parish hall of St. Katharinen.


General meeting 2022

The next general meeting will be held on thursday, May 12, 2022, 19hrs at Gliesmaroder Thurm-restaurant, Brunswick, Berliner Strasse 105. Please save the date, formal invitations will follow.


»Braunschweigerin in Hollywood«

On January 14, 2021, Braunschweig’s local newspaper Braunschweiger Zeitung published an enthusiastic article on Galka Scheyer. Read here as PDF-Download (courtesy of authoress Bärbel Mäkeler and local newsroom of the paper).


Plaque commemorating Valeska Heinemann

On December 6, 2021, Gilbert Holzgang gave a short biographic lecture during the unveiling of a plaque commemorating Valeska Heinemann. Read here (PDF).



New Brochure »Galka Scheyer in Braunschweig.«

In November 2021, a brochure was published: »Galka Scheyer in Braunschweig. Auf Spuren der jüdischen Kunstvermittlerin«. Written by Katrin Kessler (Bet Tfila Research Centre for Jewish Architecture in Europe) and Gilbert Holzgang (Chair Galka Emmy Scheyer Association). The booklet contains numerous photographs and texts on 24 buildings that are relevant in Emmy Scheyer’s biografy. You can also find a walking tour connecting seven such places and a bike route connecting fourteen of them. The tours were put together by Arndt Gutzeit of Galka Emmy Scheyer Association. Tours can be booked from spring 2022. The brochure is free of charge: tourist info Brunswick, Benno Goeritz’ bookstore, Graff’s bookstore. ISBN 978 980 254 151. It can also be ordered through the authors – simply send the postal fee.

A pdf will be available later this year.


»Mit ganzer Seele kunstgläubig«

The quarterly Vier Viertel Kult published an essay by Gilbert Holzgang on »Galka Scheyers Fotoalbum« and »Galka Scheyer in Amerika« – two documentary stage plays of 2019 and 2021. Find the essay here (PDF) courtesy of the publishing house.



»Luftschlösser für die Blauen Vier«

The documentary stage play »Galka Scheyer in Amerika« was reviewed in the local paper Braunschweiger Zeitung on October 15, 2021. Read here courtesy of authoress Regine Nahrwold and newspaper.



Interview on Radio Okerwelle

You can hear an excerpt from a radio interview on January 19, 2021 with the Chairman of the Board Gilbert Holzgang – with the kind permission of the editor Kurt Volland, Radio Okerwelle, Braunschweig – here.


»Ein Verein für die freche Galka«

You can download a newspaper report from January 22, 2021 – with the kind permission of the chief editors of the publishing house FUNKE Medien Niedersachsen GmbH and the culture editor Andreas Berger – here as a PDF:

Information leaflet

A flyer with current information about the GALKA EMMY SCHEYER ZENTRUM e.V. can be downloaded as PDF here: